“She loved Maggie and Alex and Paul and Buster just awfully,” said Tony Satterfield, a son of late Murdaugh family housekeeper Gloria Satterfield. “She loved what she did, her job."
"I'm not crying because of what you stole from me — I'm crying for what he did to everybody," Jordan Jinks, a friend and former client of Murdaugh's said Tuesday.
“Only Alex Murdaugh could conceive of such a confounded gambit as even remotely possible,” the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office wrote in court papers in response to Alex Murdaugh’s lawyers’ accusations of jury tampering in their push for a retrial.
Attorneys for Murdaugh have also asked the South Carolina supreme court to remove Judge Clifton Newman from the case, saying it would be a conflict of interest.
“We intend to proceed expeditiously and will seek a full blown evidentiary hearing,” Alex Murdaugh’s lawyers, Jim Griffin and Dick Harpootlian, wrote in a statement.
"I want my son to see me take responsibility," the disbarred South Carolina attorney told the judge in a Charleston courtroom after owning up to defrauding his personal injury clients.
The disbarred South Carolina attorney, found guilty in March of fatally shooting his wife and youngest son, got a fleeting break from the maximum-security prison where he's serving a life sentence without parole.
A new motion filed by the convicted murderer's legal team alleges that Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca Hill told jurors not to trust Murdaugh and used her position for profit and fame.
“Victims of a crime should not have to see or hear the person who victimized them or their family member on the news,” the South Carolina Department of Corrections said in a statement.
"When I go to bed at night, I have a fear that there is somebody else still out there," Buster Murdaugh says of his brother Paul and mom Maggie's killer in an upcoming documentary. His father Alex Murdaugh was convicted of the murders.
“These were extremely vulnerable people... and he treated them like players on a chessboard,” U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel said of Russell Laffitte, a longtime associate of convicted murderer Alex Murdaugh.
“While it is said that Lady Justice is blind, she is not a sucker," attorneys representing Gloria Satterfield’s family said. “Bottom line — can’t run or hide from justice.”
Murdaugh’s lawyers have asked a judge to toss out the $4.3 million legal decision since the claims were approved by insurance companies based on the false claims Murdaugh had made about his pet dogs tripping housekeeper Gloria Satterfield.