21-Year-Old Who Says Drink Was Spiked At Festival Shares Video To Show Its Horrifying Effects
“Don't take your eye off your drink even for a second."
Loren Froggatt, an attendee of the Leeds Festival in the United Kingdom, documented the effects of what she thinks was a drug that was slipped into her drink while partying.
According to The Independent, Froggatt says she might have died if her fiance had not been there to take care of her.
Froggatt says she was waiting in line for a bathroom when she was distracted by someone who she thinks may have put an unknown chemical into her drink. Within 20 minutes, she remembers becoming incredibly dizzy.
"As I was waiting outside the main arena, a man approached me and asked to borrow a lighter. I think that’s when it happened," she recalls. "I remember feeling suddenly quite dizzy, and after that my mind just goes completely blank ... Once back at the tent Adam said my eyes kept rolling into the back of my head, I urinated myself, lost control of my jaw and tongue, started vomiting white frothy bile - I then went on to lose consciousness twice.”
Luckily, Froggatt's fiance, Adam Collins, is trained in first aid. He had, at first, assumed Froggatt had too much to drink but quickly realized the severity of the situation and took the necessary precautions to make sure she didn't choke on her vomit.
“I didn’t want to leave her, even for a second,” he said.
“I just want to raise awareness out there about how dangerous drugs are and how careful you've got to be," Froggatt said about her decision to share her experience. “Don't take your eye off your drink even for a second. I completely understand that there are people out there that want to experiment with illegal substances, but they are illegal for a reason... If I wasn't in such good health my situation could've been much worse, and if it wasn't for my fiancé then I don't think I would be here to report it and try to spread awareness.”
The incident was reported to the police. Festival organizers say that anyone with similar experiences should come forward to them so that precautions can be taken in the future.
"We are glad to hear that Loren has made a report to police with the allegation. In a similar situation, we would advise speaking to the nearest member of staff immediately," said a spokesperson for the event. "All of our 1,500 security, stewards and campsite staff on duty can reach medical control immediately for assistance and appropriate tests."
Thirty-two arrests were made at the Leeds Festival this year, which is considered relatively small for the size of the event.
[Photo: Instagram @lorenfroggatt1, YouTube]