Tennessee Man Allegedly Confesses To Killing Intellectually Disabled Niece With Wife's Help
Jessica Thompson allegedly filed a false missing persons report on the younger woman and told authorities that her husband, who was already in custody for domestic violence, was involved. He told police they both were.

A married couple in Tennessee has been charged in connection with their niece’s murder after authorities found the woman buried on their property.
Jessica Rena Thompson, 36, went to the Weakley County Sheriff’s Department on Feb. 2 to report her niece's disappearance, according to NBC affiliate WPSD 6. That's when authorities discovered Thompson’s husband, Christopher Thompson, 45, was already in custody following a domestic dispute between the married couple that had occurred on Feb. 1.
Christopher, who is Noe’s biological uncle, had been booked on charges of domestic assault and false imprisonment, according to jail records obtained by Oxygen.com.
Thompson said she'd last seen Mandy Noe, 38, around Jan. 22 when Thompson allegedly left northwestern Tennessee to visit family in Georgia, as reported by KFVS 12.
Weakley County Sheriff’s Office Cpt. Marty Plunk told Oxygen.com that something didn’t sit right with him.
“My experience is telling me ‘something’s wrong here.’ I bring him [Christopher] over, and we talk,” explained Plunk. “He talks with me for the next hour and a half and confesses to killing this girl with the wife.”
“This whole thing is the most bizarre,” Plunk trailed off. “I’ve been here 31 years, and this is ridiculous.”
Plunk told Oxygen.com that Christopher “ranted and raved” about how “horrible” Mandy Noe was, claiming his niece regularly urinated on carpets. According to Plunk, Mandy Noe had a severe intellectual disability with a mindset comparable to a 12-year-old’s.
“They got to the point where they couldn’t handle her anymore,” said Plunk. “Stealing and lying and doing things for spite and that kind of thing. So he said he just had enough.”
Christopher then told Plunk that he could find Noe’s body on the couple's Jolly Springs-area property off Highway 190.
On Friday, Plunk obtained a search warrant for the property and, when he arrived at the residence, Jessica Thompson came out.
“I sat her down in my car, and I told her all the other [stuff] was BS, and I didn’t want to hear no more. ‘Show me where she’s at,’” said Plunk. "And she did.”
Jessica Thomson then led him to a grave that held the remains of Mandy Noe.
According to Plunk, the incident resulting in Noe’s death occurred on Jan. 21, and she was later buried on Jan. 24. A cause of death has yet to be made official.
“Whether she died in the incident or sometime in between then, that is why I’m waiting on the medical examiner’s office,” he said.
Christopher Thompson has since been charged with second-degree murder and tampering with evidence. Jessica Thompson was charged with filing a false report, tampering with evidence and accessory after the fact.
Both entered pleas of not guilty, according to People. They are being jailed at the Weakley County Sheriff’s Office in Dresden.