Before His Death, Fotis Dulos Was Apparently Duped Into Strange, Short-Lived Fake Friendship
Although the relationship started out amicably, Fotis Dulos began to fear his newfound friend Brad Ragaglia after he said “God put me in this situation to try to end this horrible drama quickly," according to police reports.

Before Fotis Dulos killed himself, he was befriend by a man who believed God had put him in a situation “to end this horrible drama quickly” and discover what happened to Dulos' estranged wife Jennifer. Dulos apparently came to fear this "friend" would harm him.
The man, Brad Ragaglia, says he introduced himself to Dulos around Christmas in a “stealth” mission to earn Dulos’ trust and learn more about the death of Jennifer Farber Dulos, who Fotis Dulos was suspected of murdering in May 2019. Her body has yet to be discovered.
“I play acted the role of [a] compassionate new friend and [his] Greek family bit,” Ragaglia, who described himself as an investigative journalist, said in a text message to local television station WTNH.
Dulos was initially receptive to his attempts at friendship, Ragaglia said. But after Ragaglia accidentally sent Dulos a text chain that revealed his plan, Dulos began to fear his new acquaintance and contacted police, according to a police report obtained by WTIC-TV.
Ragaglia showed up at Dulos’ door on Christmas Eve, telling Dulos that he felt sorry for him and his children and would pray for him, the report said.
He gave Dulos magnesium capsules, two spiritual books and some holy water.
Dulos was initially moved by the gesture and even invited Ragalia over on Christmas Day.
“Dear Brad, thank you for opening your heart to me—I have a lot to learn from you. Would you like to stop by and have a drink with us tonight?” Dulos texted him, according to police.
Ragaglia declined the offer, but he returned to Dulos’ home the day after Christmas and the pair continued to communicate.
However, the new relationship fell apart after Ragaglia accidentally sent a text from Dulos back to him, writing “he bit.” The text had allegedly been meant for Ragaglia’s son, the local station reports.
Ragaglia allegedly tried to pacify Dulos, telling him “I am truly a good person.”
But Dulos called the police because he was “concerned that the water and/or vitamins might be some type of poison meant to kill him.”
He was also unnerved by a message Ragaglia had allegedly sent saying that “God put me in this situation to try to end this horrible drama quickly,” the report said.
Police never tested the items for poison.
Dulos’ attorney Norm Pattis made reference to the unusual encounter during a bond hearing before Dulos died, although he did not refer to Ragaglia by name.
“We’re aware of another individual who talked his way into Mr. Dulos’ home over the Christmas holidays and is now trying to sell those copies of tape-recorded conversations to others,” Pattis said, according to WTNH.
When asked about Ragaglia after a probate hearing Tuesday, Dulos defense attorney Kevin Smith called him “a clown.”
Dulos died Jan. 30, several days after he was rushed to the hospital after a suicide attempt.
But Ragaglia’s involvement with Dulos wouldn’t end there. Ragaglia, who was reportedly planning to write a book, and a woman named Simona Raneri were discovered by police at Dulos’ Farmington home on Feb. 2, according to a police report obtained by Patch.
Regaglia was charged with first-degree trespassing after the incident and is slated to appear in court on Feb. 19.