Kelsey Berreth Cried ‘Please Stop’ As Fiancé Patrick Frazee Allegedly Beat Her To Death With Bat, His Mistress Testifies
“I was hoping it would just go away," Krystal Kenney testified of Frazee's alleged insistence that she kill Berreth.

“Please stop.” Those were the final words uttered by a Colorado mom as she was being beaten to death by her fiancé with a baseball bat, according to testimony from the man’s mistress.
Krystal Kenney—also referred to in media reports as Krystal Lee—took the stand Wednesday to describe the grisly details of what she said were Kelsey Berreth’s final moments as she was allegedly killed in her Woodland Park townhome on Thanksgiving Day last year while her 1-year-old daughter sat in a playpen in a room nearby, according to local station KUSA.
Berreth’s fiancé Patrick Frazee is on trial for the 29-year-old flight instructor’s murder—even though Berreth’s body has never been recovered. He’s also charged with attempting to commit first-degree murder and tampering with a deceased human body.
Much of the prosecution’s case relies on the testimony of Kenney, their star witness, who detailed the long, complex relationship she and Frazee have shared over the 13 years the pair has known each other.
The two met in 2006 in Lake George, Colorado and began to fall for one another at a dance both had attended.
“He was tall and handsome and we danced and seemed from the conversation that we had, he was pretty admirable, and had his act together and seemed like a pretty good dude,” she said on the stand Wednesday, according to The Colorado Springs Gazette.
The pair began to date, but would break up about a year and a half later, although they remained in touch.
Kenney began to date another man named Chad Lee, but in December 2008, Frazee contacted her again and told her he wanted to know if she wanted a border collie puppy. He was buying a border collie from Texas at the time and the puppy, which he didn’t want, had come along with the purchase, she said, according to local station KMGH-TV.
She took the dog but was surprised a few months later when Frazee asked her for a check for the puppy. When she didn’t send the payment, she said he reached out again a few months later and threatened to kill the dog.
“If I didn’t send the check, he said he’d come to Idaho and kill the dog,” Kenney told the court, according to KUSA.
In 2010, she and Lee got engaged but the day before the pair was set to marry, Frazee left her a voicemail begging her to call off the nuptials, telling her he had wished that he'd come “rescue her.”
The wedding went on as planned, but Kenney admitted in court that her heart had been torn.
“I felt like maybe I was wanting to make that right choice, so that I didn't make the wrong choice,” she said, according to the local paper. “But I also felt like my heart was in love with Patrick."
She didn’t hear from him again for several years and went on to have two children with Lee, a boy and a girl, but in 2015 she and Frazee reconnected and began an affair after her marriage hit a rough spot, she testified.
“It was like nothing had changed. It was, say, that giddy feeling,” she said of reconnecting, according to KUSA.
She and Frazee talked about her getting a divorce and moving to Colorado to start a family together, but when she found out she was pregnant with Frazee’s baby in March of 2016—while she was still married—she didn’t get the response from Frazee that she had expected.
“I guess you’re a baby killer or you’re not,” he told her at one point, according to her testimony.
She later ended the pregnancy, but told Frazee she had suffered a miscarriage. She filed for divorce that same year.
“(Frazee) didn’t react, he didn’t say anything, and we just stopped talking,” she testified.
Frazee would go on to start a relationship with Berreth, who gave birth to the couple’s daughter in October 2017, the local station reports.
That same month, Frazee and Kenney would begin speaking again after she reached out to him on Facebook about a fundraiser for a mutual friend.
The pair resumed their romance, but it wasn’t until the following summer that Kenney said she learned from a friend that Frazee had a daughter, Kaylee.
In August 2018, Frazee himself would admit to her that he was involved in another relationship and had a young child, according to The Gazette. But Frazee allegedly told Kenney that Berreth was abusive to their daughter and soon began to ask her if she would “take care of the problem.”
Kenney said that he asked her to kill Berreth three separate times. The first plan was to poison a cup of Starbucks with a lethal drug cocktail and bring it to Berreth as a thank you, supposedly for rescuing a lost dog, she testified.
Kenney brought Berreth the drink in September 2018—although Kenney, a nurse, testified that she never put any of the drugs into the drink.
“She was standoffish and guarded,” Kenney said of the encounter, KUSA reports. “It was dark.”
Kenney said she didn’t want to harm Berreth at the time, but wanted to gain information to form an opinion about her.
Frazee allegedly called her the next day to demand to know why she didn’t carry out the plot, but he told her she would be given another chance.
A few weeks later, Kenney testified that Frazee instructed her to strike Berreth with a metal pipe. She said she drove the Colorado mom’s townhome, but was unable to carry out the attack.
“I sat there for a minute and … I opened the door and a dog barked and I got back in the car and I put the pipe back in his driveway,” she testified.
She later told Frazee there had been too many people around to carry out the attack, KMGH-TV reports.
She testified that she began to question Frazee’s story of abuse after she babysat for the child and didn’t see any visible signs of abuse. When Frazee returned, he was critical of her cooking and how she had done things at his ranch and she realized that Berreth “was probably doing nothing wrong,” she said.
The following week when she returned to Colorado from her home in Idaho, she said Frazee suggested she kill Berreth with a baseball bat, but again she was unable to carry out the attack.
Kenney never called police to report Frazee’s alleged instructions, she said.
“I was hoping it would just go away," she said, according to The Gazette. “I hoped he would just leave it alone. I just wanted to ignore the problem.”
But on Nov. 22, 2018—the last day Berreth was ever seen alive—Frazee allegedly reached out to Kenney again.
“He told me I have a mess to clean up,” she said.
Two days later, Kenney said she made the trek to Colorado, bringing cleaning supplies, a body suit and foot covers along with her.
Frazee had left Berreth’s keys to her townhome outside his ranch and she picked up the keys and went to the bloody crime scene, where she said Frazee had killed his fiancé days earlier.
She said blood was spattered throughout the home—on the floor, fireplace, cookie cutters, walls, stuffed animals and even a family picture of Frazee, Berreth and their young daughter.
“I knew that nobody else needed to see that,” she said, according to KUSA. “[Berreth’s] mom and little girl never needed to see what Patrick did to her, and I didn’t know that he was capable of that. I didn’t think that he was capable of what happened, and I didn’t think they needed to see it.”
Kenney spent hours cleaning up the bloody scene but testified that she purposely left several small amounts of blood behind to serve as clue for investigators. What she couldn’t clean, she threw away, loading trash bags filled with bloody reminders of the brutal crime into her car.
She then went to Frazee’s Florissant home—stopping on the way at a Sonic to get a drink.
“I wanted to act as normal as possible so [Frazee] didn’t think I was rattled or upset,” she said. “So, I got him lunch, and I got [his daughter] lunch, and I went to his house.”
Before she returned to Idaho, she said she went with Frazee to his ranch to get a tote box she said contained Berreth’s body. She watched as Frazee burned the tote, along with the trash bags from the townhome, in a metal trough on the property.
She said Frazee told her about he had killed Berreth with the bat.
“He just said he swung away, and that it was really hard,” she said, according to the paper.
He’d later tell her he didn’t think the bat had been “humane” and that in the future he would use more traditional means, she said.
Frazee allegedly told Kenney that he had convinced Berreth to tie a sweater around her eyes to play a game where she would try to guess the scents of different candles. But, while she was wearing the blindfold, Kenney said Frazee struck her with the bat.
In court Wednesday, she tearfully testified that Frazee had told her Berreth's final words were "please stop."
As she returned back to Idaho, Kenney said she took Berreth’s cellphone, purse and gun with her to Idaho, and later burned the cellphone and purse.
Her testimony is expected to continue Thursday.