Husband Accused Of Inflicting Incest On His Children Allegedly Told Police He Has A 'Perv Side'
The officer who investigated the couple said he "observed videos of person that was clearly Sheila Johnson engaging in sex acts with Shepherd mix dog.”
More details are emerging about the Indiana couple accused of incest and bestiality.
Sheila Lynn Johnson and her husband Keylin Lee Johnson are accused of engaging in sexual acts with their three children, and even their dog. According to a probable cause affidavit obtained by, a woman recently reported the alleged abuse after two of the three Johnson children visited their home.
During a subsequent investigation, the couple’s eldest child, now 19, told police that when he was younger Keylin persuaded him that incest was a normal way of life. The teen claimed his dad said that “the best way to build family bond was to have sex with your parents, particularly your mother. He also advised it was safer to have sex with people in your own family, rather than strangers.”
The details in the affidavit are disturbing, outlining how Keylin allegedly coached his son on various sexual activities with his mother, including the use of sex toys, until the teen's 17th birthday. The teen told police his father was present during the acts, and would also photograph or record what transpired.
The reporting police officer also allegedly found recordings of Shelia Johnson “engaging in sex acts with Shepherd mix dog,” as well as finding child pornography on a laptop in the home.
The youngest child, who is currently 17, told police that she was sexually abused by both parents. The abuse, she said, began when she was just 7 years old. At age 13, she said Keylin blackmailed her, telling her that he would show sexually explicit videos of her to people if she told anyone about the abuse.
Sheila allegedly admitted to act of incest and bestiality. She told police “that she consumes alcohol and it causes her to behave in very sexual manner. [...] She stated that her use of alcohol and blackouts may cause difficulty with her memory.” However, she admitted that she wasn’t always drinking when these sexual episodes happened.
Keylin admitted to the cops that he was “guilty of internet porn and other stuff.”
Police said he told them that he had “a perv side” and that he enjoyed bestiality, bondage, discipline, and sadomasochism. He also “explained” why his wife allegedly sexually abused the dog: because he couldn’t maintain an erection. He additionally admitted to downloading explicit photos of his daughter.
Late last week, Shelia filed for divorce from Keylin.
[Photo: Montgomery County Sheriff's Office]