Man Allegedly Plowed Van Into Crowd Of Pedestrians, Killing 10, Because He Was Angry At Others Who Were Having Sex
“I feel like I accomplished my mission,” Alek Minassian allegedly told investigators after a bloody attack in Toronto in 2018.

A Toronto man accused of ramming a van into a group of pedestrians in Canada, killing 10 and wounding 16 others, allegedly told police shortly after the deadly rampage that he felt he had “accomplished my mission.”
Alek Minassian allegedly carried out the attack after he began talking online with other incels—involuntary celibates—about extreme feelings of misogyny and hatred toward women and those having sex, CBC reports.
“We found each other very interesting,” Minassian said in a newly released tape of his interrogation. “We discussed our frustrations at society and being unable to get laid.”
Minassian—who also told detectives he had never had a girlfriend because he was “too nice”—said in the recording that he was inspired by Elliot Rodger, a man who killed six people and injured 14 in an attack on a California university campus in 2014.
Minassian claimed to have talked online with Roger and another murderer, Chris Harper-Mercer, who killed nine people and wounded eight others at an Oregon community college in 2015.
Minassian claimed Rodger had been a “founding forefather” of the “incel rebellion.”
"He founded the entire movement," Minassian said, according to CTV News Toronto. "It’s basically a movement of angry incels, such as myself, who are unable to get laid, therefore we want to overthrow the Chads."
Among the community, the term “Chads” refers to attractive men, while the group uses the term “Stacys” to describe sexually active women.
Minassian allegedly told police he felt “it was time to take action and not just sit on the sidelines and just fester in my own sadness” and began to plan his own killing spree about a month before the April 23, 2018 attack.
He allegedly told detectives he decided to use a white van he had rented “as a weapon” and drove down Yonge Street plowing into pedestrians along the way.
"I floor the pedal, I speed the van toward them and I allow the van to collide with them. Some people get knocked down on the way, some people roll over the top of the van,” he said.
Minassian said he got out of the van when he saw police, but claimed the only reason he decided to stop was that someone had splashed a drink on his windshield and he was worried he would “crash the van anyways.”
Although he allegedly intended to die by suicide by cop, law enforcement authorities never fired on the then 25-year-old and he was taken into custody.
“I feel like I accomplished my mission,” Minassian allegedly said of the 10 deaths he caused, according to The New York Post.
He is facing 10 counts of first-degree murder and 16 counts of attempted murder for the bloody rampage. His trial is expected to begin in February 2020.