Best Buy's Geek Squad Allegedly Finds Child Porn On Man’s Laptop After He Spills Gravy On It
Robert Watson was having files transferred to a new computer when members of Best Buy's help desk noticed something more sinister, authorities say.
Employees at Best Buy's "Geek Squad" in Des Moines, Iowa were saving files for a client whose laptop was damaged in a gravy mishap when they noticed something much more sinister: alleged child pornography on the man's hard drive.
Robert Leo Watson, 54, has been charged with 10 counts of child porn possession, according to online jail records.
After spilling gravy all over his laptop, he brought it to a local Best Buy’s repair desk so that they could save the files and transfer them to a new non-gravified computer he'd just bought, according to the Des Moines Register.
While the Geek Squad was doing the transfer, they noticed the child porn, according to a criminal complaint obtained by the publication.
Watson was arrested on Wednesday.
He has allegedly admitted to saving some of the images found by the Geek Squad team with names like ''13 year old'' and ''14 year old's [sic],'' according to that complaint. Watson “believes the [other] pictures are of 4- and 5-year-olds that Robert felt were about to have sex,” the complaint states, according to CNN.
He allegedly claimed that he only downloaded the files “because he wanted to tell other people about them.” It’s not clear if that means he is claiming he was going to contact authorities.
Watson is in the Polk County Jail on a $50,000 cash bond. He is expected back in court on May 10. He applied for a court-appointed counsel on Wednesday but it’s not clear if he has an attorney yet.