Man Staged 8-Month-Old Son's Gas Station Kidnapping To Cover Up 'Foul Play,' Cops Say
Security footage showed a woman stealing Christopher Davila's car from outside a gas station, supposedly with his son, King Jay Davila, still inside. Police now say the woman was actually Davila's cousin and the entire episode was a ruse.
The supposed abduction of an 8-month-old boy from a gas station was actually staged to cover up foul play, authorities in Texas say.
Christopher Davila, 34, called police last Friday night to report that his car was stolen from a gas station with his son, King Jay Davila, still inside, according to the San Antonio Police Department.
Surveillance footage, posted by police, revealed that Davila left his car running and the door unlocked as he went inside the store. A woman in the black hoodie can be seen fast-walking toward the car, getting in and driving way.
On Saturday, police announced that Davila would be charged with child endangerment. By Monday, however, police revealed their belief that the baby wasn't in the car when it was taken.
Instead, police claim that the female suspect was actually Davila's cousin, Fox News reports. The woman, 45-year-old Angie Torres, was arrested on unrelated robbery charges, WOIA in San Antonio reports.
The boy remains missing, but neither Davila or Torres have yet to be charged in relation to his disappearance.
"This is a staged event like we said previously," Police Chief William McManus said at a press conference. "This was not a kidnapping. We believe the story of the kidnapping was made up to cover up foul play involving King Jay Davila."
McManus has also called the baby’s family overall uncooperative. The mother of the child, Jazmine Gonzales, denies that allegation.
"They need to stop (expletive) putting some blame on someone that's innocent and worry about finding my baby, that's what they need to do," Gonzales said, according to MySanAntonio.
The police department and the FBI are continuing their search for the missing child.
"We know that there's more people out there who have information on this case, what happened to King Jay," McManus said at the press conference. "There's one answer that we don't have and that is where is King Jay?
[Photo: San Antonio Police Department]