Eagles Of Death Metal Frontman Goes On Social Media Bender Ripping Parkland Survivors
On Jesse Hughes's Instagram he called Emma González a "survivor of nothing."
Eagles of Death Metal frontman went on a social media rant about the teenage survivors of the February shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Parkland, Florida.
Jesse Hughes wrote in one of his several now-deleted Instagram posts that, "as the survivor of a mass shooting I can tell you from firsthand experience that all of you protesting and taking days off from school insult the memory of those who were killed,” according to NBC News. According to that report, he also called the survivors "pathetic" and "vile abusers of the dead."
Hughes, 45, is a survivor of the 2015 Paris terror attack at the Bataclan venue when 89 people died after terrorists attacked an Eagles of Death Metal show.
Other Instagram posts Hughes reportedly made over the weekend include the reposting of a right-wing meme: an illustration of a woman telling a man, “I turned in my gun to do my part in ending violence.” The man in the illustration said, “I chopped off my own dick to stop rape,” according to The Guardian. In a caption below the Instagram repost of that drawing, Hughes wrote a caption which accuses the Parkland survivors of “exploiting the death of 16 of our fellow students for a few Facebook likes and some media attention.”
He also posted a Photoshopped image of Parkland survivor Emma González ripping apart a copy of the Constitution. Hughes called her "the awful face of treason" in addition to a "survivor of nothing."
He added: “enjoy your little moment.....it’s about to End…… #stupidity #hatersofliberty #loversofsatan #borntolose #2ndamendment.”
[Photo: Getty Images]