Man Who Wanted Underage Girl As 'Sex Slave' Avoids Jail Time, Gets Probation
Justin Teeter Bensing originally was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but a South Carolina judge reduced his sentence because of his mental limitations.

A South Carolina man who said he wanted make an underage girl his sex slave, and then turn her into a full-time baby maker, has avoided jail time and was given 5 years probation.
Justin Teeter Bensing, 36, from Myrtle Beach, pleaded guilty to two counts of criminal solicitation of a minor, according to The Greenville News. He was arrested in February during a child predator sex sting, when Bensing said he wanted to "cannibalize" the young girl he was supposedly talking to. He was indicted in April.
He was originally sentenced to 10 years in prison, according to court records, but a judge reduced it to five years probation.
Judge Letitia Verdin said Bensing had some mental limitations that influenced the sentencing. He was diagnosed as autistic, according to The State, and he has no criminal record. He also didn't travel to meet the "girl" for sex.
Bensing used the name "Rebel Deese" online and he asked a person he thought was an underage girl if she was "ready to be a full time baby maker and sex slave," the State reported. He said he was into coprophilia and he told the "girl" he wanted to drink her urine.
During the investigation, police seized his cell phone and found texts about cannibalism as well.
Bensing was one of 14 suspects netted in the sting by the Greenville County Sheriff's Office's Operation Millstone. It spanned several days where investigators pretended to be little kids to try and get people to come meet for sex.
Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis said Bensing wanted to eat the person he thought was an underage girl.
"Depravity doesn’t even describe this," Lewis said at the press conference, according to The Greenville News.
[Photo: Greenville County Sheriff's Office]