Gamer Allegedly Assaults Wife For Insisting He Come To Dinner While He Was Livestreaming ‘Fortnite’ Session
Luke Munday, an Australian gamer better known by his streaming handle MrDeadMoth, insists he's not a "woman basher" after being charged with assault.

An Australian gamer who was recently arrested for allegedly hitting his pregnant wife during a livestream has denied he is a “woman basher” ahead of a court appearance scheduled for later this week.
Luke Munday, 26, known as the streamer “MrDeadMoth,” was arrested Sunday after he allegedly got in a violent spat with his 21-year-old wife while livestreaming a session of the popular video game “Fortnite,” according to Australian news outlet Network 10.
Munday's Twitch account appears to have been taken down, but the purported video of the incident was captured and uploaded by a slew of YouTubers. In it, a woman offscreen - presumably Munday’s wife - asks him to quit playing the game for a bit and come eat dinner. After he and the woman, apparently named Grace according to the footage, shout and back and forth and each other, Munday leaves his chair to confront her. A slapping sound is heard offscreen, followed by cries from the woman.
“You hear that, all you people out there? He just hit me in the face,” she says.
Although she wasn’t seriously harmed, the woman heard in the video was “shaken” and “distressed,” according to police in New South Wales, which added that two young girls, aged 3 years and 20 months, were present during the disturbance. The couple have two children.
Munday will appear in front of Camden Local Court on Thursday, according to, which added that he was charged with common assault. He was also granted conditional bail.
On Tuesday, speaking to reporters for the first time since the incident went public, Munday would not get out of bed after his grandparents let journalists in his home, according to several Australian outlets.
“There’s no point in seeing the video, I know what happened,” he told The Daily Telegraph and 7 News Sydney. “And what happened is not what everyone assumes has happened. You’re all judging the video, you don’t see what happens, you haven’t read the police report, you don’t actually know what happened off camera. Everyone thinks I kicked the sh-t out of her which clearly isn’t the case."
Munday also vehemently denied that the incident is indicative of a pattern of domestic violence in their household.
“No,” he told reporters when asked if he was a "woman basher."
“She knows that. It’s a one-off and she’ll corroborate that in court. The court will decide what happens, they have the evidence, they have her statement and they have my statement, and they match. There’s no issue here.”
[Photo Credit: YouTube/tamus]