Man Steals His Mother's Car And Backs Over Her In The Process, Police Say
John Jeffrey Spencer hitched a ride to a bar after stealing, then crashing his mother's car, police say.

A Pennsylvania man allegedly stole his mom's car and then backed over her. Police say he later told witnesses who gave him a ride to a bar "I think I killed my mom."
Spencer is accused of stealing his mother's 2008 silver Chevrolet Impala at around 8:15 p.m. the night of July 2, according to the Tribune-Review. During the altercation, police say he backed over his mother and a male neighbor before taking off in the vehicle.
"He just put the car into reverse and backed up. The door was open. It hit his mom and the guy. The guy kind of flew backwards," neighbor Sharen Seskey, who witnessed the incident told KDKA-TV, a Pittsburgh news station.
She said the open door dragged his mom and slammed her into a stop sign.
"Then she kind of like went under the door as he pulled away," Seskey said.
Just about 10 minutes later, a car registered to Spencer's mother crashed along Route 366. When New Kensington police arrived at the scene, the vehicle had been abandoned but witnesses reported seeing the vehicle driving at a high-rate of speed before the crash.
Police said that some witnesses said the vehicle crossed the median and hit a "no parking" sign before swerving off the road, then swerving back onto the road, blocking oncoming traffic, according to the Tribune-Review.
After the crash, several witnesses who knew Spencer reportedly gave him a ride to a bar. Those witnesses told police Spencer allegedly said "I think I killed my mom" repeatedly during the ride and later said he hoped she had not died, the Tribune-Review reported.
Spencer's mom and the male were taken to the hospital. According to Fox News, the injured man was later released from the hospital. KDKA reported the mom was being treated for a broken arm, back and collapsed lung.
The night of the incident, Spencer was later found walking along a road and was arrested by police.
He faces a long list of charges stemming from the night's events including two counts of aggravated assault by vehicle, two counts of simple assault, two counts of recklessly endangering another person, two counts of an accident involving death or personal injury while not properly licensed, driving while operating privilege is suspended or revoked, careless driving and failure to stop and give information and render aid.
According to the criminal docket, a preliminary hearing has been scheduled for July 25. Spencer is being held at the Allegheny County Jail and is "unable to post bail" which was set at $50,000, according to the document.
[Photo: Allegheny County]