Miami Man Molests Roommate's Dog — And It Was Captured On Home Video Surveillance System
Roberson Lubin charged with "Sexual Activities Involving Animals," after home video surveillance system captures him laying on a bed with roommate's dog, Mickey.
A Miami man was not happy to find out his roommate was taking “man’s best friend” to an incredibly creepy new level.
The man was reviewing his in-home video surveillance system when he saw his roommate, Roberson Lubin, 48, laying on a bed with his roommate's dog, Mickey, and petting him in a more-than-friendly way.
He called police, and showed them the video.
According to a police report, the video captured Lubin “laying on a bed with the canine laying beside him. The defendant was stroking the canine's penis several times and squeezing/cupping his testicles," the report says.
Lubin was arrested on April 24 and charged with illegal “sexual activities involving animals,” a first degree misdemeanor under Florida law punishable by up to one year in prison.
Court records indicate Lubin was arraigned on the charges the next day and released to a jail diversion program. He was also ordered to stay away from his roommate “& DOG.”
Court records do not indicate an attorney for Lubin, and a telephone call to a number identified as Lubin’s in a publically available database was not answered. However, police records indicate that Lubin “denied all allegations.”
According to police records, Mickey is seven years old, and a report in the Miami Herald identifies him as a “mixed breed dog.” Miami police released a photograph of the dog at the department’s special victims unit.
Nationally, 45 states have criminalized sexual activity between animals and people, commonly called bestiality, according to this 2017 report from Michigan State University College of Law. Historically, according to the report, bestiality was viewed as an immoral “crime against nature.” But lately the trend has been to categorize it as a kind of animal cruelty, the report states.
While most state courts that have faced the issue have found that persons convicted of bestiality do not have to register under sex-offender registration laws, one state court, in California, has held that they do.
[Photos: Miami Police]