Pennsylvania Man Gets 100 Years In Prison For 'Millions' Of Child Porn Files, Filming Underage Girl
Prosecutors say Lawrence Jamieson sexually abused a 15-year-old girl he knew had mental health issues and maintained a massive collection of internet child porn.

A man who was revealed to maintain a collection of millions of child porn files was sentenced to 100 years in prison this week after he was found guilty of sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl and producing his own pornographic material, according to authorities.
The sentence was handed down Monday in a federal court a year after Lawrence Jamieson, 59, pled guilty to the sexual abuse of a minor girl, the manufacture of hundreds of sexually explicit videos and images of his abuse, and possessing a collection of more than 14.4 million images of child pornography, the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a statement.
“Jamieson is the worst of the worst type of criminal—a child predator who derives satisfaction from abusing society’s most vulnerable members,” said U.S. Attorney William McSwain. “The details in this case are horrific."
Prosecutors say Jamieson began collecting images of child pornography 15 years ago, and ultimately collected "the largest collection in Pennsylvania" with some of the "most demented images imaginable." This included images of toddlers and infants being sexually assaulted by adults and in some cases, by animals.
When police searched his home in 2016, they uncovered approximately 1,000 DVDs, USB drives, and other electronic storage devices that held the graphic images, according to a 2016 press release issued by the Chester County District Attorney's Office, which first handled the case before it was moved to a federal court.
"Even after decades of serving in law enforcement, the scope and nature of these crimes is staggering," Willistown Police Chief John Narcise said at the time. "I do not know what kind of a depraved mind could possibly enjoy this sickening abuse of innocent children."
Jamieson's crimes escalated when he began scheming on a way to sexually abuse a teenage girl who was in his care. The U.S. Attorney's Office said Jamieson and tire store employee John Christopher Brown, 23, hatched a plan to convince the girl, who was 15 years old at the time, that the 23-year-old man was really a high school student attending school online.
"Jamieson was well acquainted with the victim; he knew she had been diagnosed on the Autism spectrum and suffered from learning disabilities and mental health issues," the statement from prosecutors said.
The pair even altered Brown's appearance to make him look younger, according to the Chester County DA’s Office.Brown then began a sexual relationship with the girl, who she thought was her boyfriend.
Prosecutors claim Brown photographed and videotaped their encounters, and then sent the images to Jamieson and others on the internet. Jamieson would also later sexually abuse the girl.
Jamieson and Brown were arrested after the victim's mother learned of the abuse and reported it to a child abuse hotline.
The abuse caused the girl, currently 19, irreparable damage and has left her "completely broken," according to Assistant U.S. Attorney Michelle Rotella, who prosecuted the case and spoke with the West Chester, Pennsylvania-based Daily Local News.
The victim continues to be haunted by the knowledge that images of her abuse continue to circulate online, DLN reports.
After this week's sentence, prosecutors said they are pleased with the lengthy sentence.
"He will never be getting out [of prison] again," Rotella said, according to DLN. "He is just a true predator and if he had ever been released it is a virtual certainty that he would have victimized someone else."
Brown, who has also pled guilty to the charges he faced in the case, is expected to be sentenced later this year.
[Photo: Chester County District Attorney's Office]