Serial Rapist In Country Illegally Sentenced To 80 Years
“This ruthlessly violent sexual predator should never have had the opportunity to brutally prey upon these innocent young women," prosecutors said.

A serial rapist in the country illegally was sentenced on Monday to 80 years in prison.
Miguel C. Luna, 37, of Joliet, Illinois, previously admitted in court to beating and raping two female joggers, one in 2015 and another in 2016, and on Monday, Will County Judge David Carlson imposed the maximum 80-year sentence allowed by law, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Luna, in a videotaped statement made to investigators in May, also confessed to raping a third woman.
“He admitted to all three rapes. He told investigators women wearing short athletic shorts and provocative clothing arouse him and he was unable to control himself,” Will County Assistant State’s Attorney John Connor said at Luna’s arraignment, according to, a local news website serving areas surrounding Chicago.
Despite being instructed by the court not to speak during his arraignment, Luna blurted out he “told the cops I never had a gun or a knife.”
But one of Luna's victims, a 19-year-old woman, told police that she was jogging when a man tackled her from behind, told her he had a knife and threatened to kill her if she looked at him. Then he led her into a wooded area, tied her hands behind her back, stripped her clothing off and raped her.
Four days later, another female jogger told police that a man wearing a mask and rubber gloves placed her in a choke hold from behind, dragged her into the woods, bound her hands behind her back with her shoelaces and raped her.
She bit her rapist on the hand, she said, and when police cuffed Luna that night, they noticed a fresh bite wound, Connor said at Luna’s arraignment.
A third woman said she met Luna for a paid sexual encounter, but when she tried to end it, the man blindfolded and sexually assaulted her before she ran away. It was that woman who led police to the serial attacker, because she knew another sex worker who had knowledge of where Luna lived.
Luna was born in Mexico, and was in the U.S. illegally, Illinois State’s Attorney Jim Glasgow said in a statement announcing Luna’s guilty plea in May, according to the Chicago Tribune.
“This ruthlessly violent sexual predator should never have had the opportunity to brutally prey upon these innocent young women.”
At Luna’s sentencing, Judge Carlson said Luna had been ordered deported by immigration authorities in 2012, but that the order was never carried out. “You should not have been in this country,” Judge Carlson told Luna, blaming “misguided political correctness or people who do not believe in laws or borders.”
“The system let the victims down in this case,” Judge Carlson concluded.
In his videotaped confession, Luna admitted to having “done wrong things,” but said “I don’t care what happens to me in this world. I don’t want to go to hell. I’m going to ask God for forgiveness.”
[Photo: Will County Sheriff’s Department]