Woman Allegedly Tells Cops They Shouldn’t Arrest Her For DUI Because She’s A ‘White, Clean Girl’
Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw also allegedly thought the fact that she had been a good student, cheerleader and sorority member should've been enough to avoid an arrest.

Talk about white privilege: A South Carolina woman who was pulled over for allegedly driving drunk tried to wriggle her way out of an arrest early Saturday by telling police officers that she is a “very clean, thoroughbred, white girl,” according to authorities.
According to a Bluffton Police Department report obtained by the local Island Packet newspaper, Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw, 32, was arrested around 1:45 a.m. after she was seen blowing through a stop sign at a four-way intersection at 60 miles per hour. Despite slurring her words and sporting bloodshot eyes, Cutshaw reportedly told officers that she only had two glasses of wine that night.
Alas, Cutshaw, who said she was celebrating her birthday beforehand, failed her sobriety tests and blew a .18 on her breathalyzer, the report said. And while officers were investigating her further, she allegedly began listing ridiculous reasons why she shouldn’t be booked: She was a straight-A student all her life, she was a cheerleader, she was a member of a sorority, and last but not least, her partner is a police officer.
She went on to say, “I’m a white, clean girl,” according to the police report. Officers then asked her what exactly that meant in this situation, to which she allegedly responded, “You’re a cop, you should know what that means."
The arresting officer jotted down his surprised reaction to Cutshaw’s remarks. “Making statements such as these as a means to justify not being arrested are unusual in my experience as a law enforcement officer and I believe further demonstrate the suspect’s level of intoxication,” the officer wrote in the report, according to the Island Packet.
The Beaufort County Detention Center’s online records show that in addition to speeding, disregarding a stop sign, and driving under the influence, Cutshaw was also booked for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. She is not in custody anymore.
As reports of Cutshaw's arrest circulated, some outraged Twitter users adopted the hashtag #PlasteredPeggy while posting about Cutshaw's alleged shocking sense of entitlement.
[Credit: Beaufort County Detention Center]