Pastor Tim Alden

A Detroit native, Pastor Tim Alden recently expanded his ministry back to his hometown from LA where he ministers at the City of Praise Christian Church. Still a virgin and in his early fifties, at one time he felt that his special brand of ministry – preaching abstinence and purity – was better suited for California, however, he recently felt compelled to return to Detroit in hopes of influencing positive change in the community.

Pastor Alden’s homecoming has not been completely smooth sailing though as he is confronted with painful memories of neglect and abandonment by his biological family. Fortunately, Pastor Alden was adopted later in life by an African American family who has been instrumental in building his faith and largely influenced his decision to become a preacher.Read More

A Detroit native, Pastor Tim Alden recently expanded his ministry back to his hometown from LA where he ministers at the City of Praise Christian Church. Still a virgin and in his early fifties, at one time he felt that his special brand of ministry – preaching abstinence and purity – was better suited for California, however, he recently felt compelled to return to Detroit in hopes of influencing positive change in the community.

Pastor Alden’s homecoming has not been completely smooth sailing though as he is confronted with painful memories of neglect and abandonment by his biological family. Fortunately, Pastor Alden was adopted later in life by an African American family who has been instrumental in building his faith and largely influenced his decision to become a preacher. In what evolves into a personal journey going back to his roots, Pastor Alden is in search of opportunities to reach the people who could benefit from help most. He sets out on a mission to make church more accessible to those in need, which inspires him to develop a pop-up church in Detroit with the support of his adoptive family.