Ren Spriggs

Stunning and fearless, Ren Spriggs is fresh to the fashion industry, but isn’t letting her limited experience get in the way of becoming the next big thing. Born and raised in California, Ren is one of the newest models to join Slay Management and her striking looks have already captured the attention of casting directors. Often described as a “gorgeous tomboy,” Ren is a rebel at heart and was initially reluctant to model. Although she did not receive a lot of support from her family during her transition, Ren remains hopeful that modeling will give her the opportunity to reconnect with her distant father and confront their complicated relationship once and for all.Read More

Stunning and fearless, Ren Spriggs is fresh to the fashion industry, but isn’t letting her limited experience get in the way of becoming the next big thing. Born and raised in California, Ren is one of the newest models to join Slay Management and her striking looks have already captured the attention of casting directors. Often described as a “gorgeous tomboy,” Ren is a rebel at heart and was initially reluctant to model. Although she did not receive a lot of support from her family during her transition, Ren remains hopeful that modeling will give her the opportunity to reconnect with her distant father and confront their complicated relationship once and for all.



Between working a part-time job and attending casting calls, Ren has her hands full. As the modeling gigs continue to pour in, can she balance all the opportunities that await her and evolve into the confident model that everyone sees in her?