7 Scorned Women Who Got Revenge
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... and with access to dog poop.

Revenge, “Lemonading”, hit ‘em up style... Whatever you call it, revenge can be sweet. And while Beyoncé might say “The best revenge is your paper,” others might say ultra-creative and humiliating revenge is much more satisfying. Ahead of the release of The Mummy on June 9—a movie about a scorned and embalmed princess who’s back from the dead to claim justice and create chaos—we’re looking at some real life ladies who took revenge.
The women in this list, after being betrayed, proved the proverb that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. You’ll be cheering these ladies on for getting what’s theirs, and for putting Cookie Lyon to absolute shame with their innovative revenge plots. They’re far less terrifying than the returned mummified princess... Or are they?
1. Public shaming
One wife took a cue from Game of Thrones and publicly shamed her husband after finding out he was cheating. She made him stand on the corner of a busy intersection where they lived in Tysons Corner, Va., wearing a giant sign that read "I CHEATED. THIS IS MY PUNISHMENT."
2. Poo pie
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but for this woman it’s a dish best served with poo. When Cindy Wilson Ham found out her husband had been cheating on her – and had an 18 month old child as a result – she threw him out. But not before baking him a pie made with meat, vegetables and dog poo. Her husband said, "That was the best pie I've eaten in ages," before being told what was in it, then changed his tune and called his wife “evil.”
3. Blank space
Kathryn George-Harries went on a destructive rampage when she found out her partner was cheating on her. She went to his house, smashed his expensive wine, glued his shoes to the floor, threw moisturiser all over his bed as well as porridge oats. It wasn’t your run-of-the-mill throwing all his clothes out the window scene, and George-Harries served six months in prison for the meltdown.
4. Bargain basement
Radio DJ Tim Shaw found out what his wife was really capable of the hard way. After he flirted with glamour model Jodi Marsh on live radio, his wife sold his Lotus Espirit Turbo on eBay—worth £25,000 ($32,435)—for 50p. In a statement she said, “I am sick of him disrespecting me and this family for the sake of his art. I didn't care about the money, I just wanted to get him back."
5. Oh you pretty thing!
When Natalie Weaver’s boyfriend got too drunk the night before they were supposed to spend the day together and ended up oversleeping instead of being romantic as planned, she went to work. While he slept, she gave him a fantastic makeover, documenting the whole thing on Snapchat. When he woke up, he was shocked to see his face covered in makeup, but ultimately got the joke.
6. High profile
Media personalities Rachel Royce and Rod Liddle had a fairytale – and very public – marriage. Both wrote about their relationship extensively, and when it turned sour, so too did the writing. But when Rachel found out Rod had been cheating on her with his new girlfriend, she sent 10 sacks of manure to his office at The Spectator magazine, where he worked as a columnist, and his new girlfriend was the receptionist.
7. Cheesy feminist
A warning to men to never diminish the hard working women in their lives. When a Reddit user called his wife a “sandwich maker,” she got her revenge by making him a sandwich – and leaving the cheese in its plastic wrapper. He bit down on it only to find that he’d bitten the hand that feeds. What woman giveth, she can taketh away.
[Images: Giphy]