Girl Scout Who Sold Over 300 Cookies Outside Of Weed Dispensary May Be Penalized
The San Diego Girl Scout council is looking into it.

One Girl Scout's entrepreneurial creativity may cost her.
Over the weekend, an unnamed Girl Scout in San Diego, California sold hundreds of boxes of Girl Scout cookies in mere hours after setting up shop outside of weed dispensary Urbn Leaf. The store owners fully supported the scout's efforts, even posting a photo of her on their Instagram page and inviting their customers to grab a few boxes of cookies on their way out.
"Get some Girl Scout Cookies with your GSC today until 4pm!" they wrote on Instagram, referencing a strain of weed named after Girl Scout cookies. "Have a friend that wants to #tagalong? Bring them with — shopping is more fun with friends anyways."
The Girl Scout's father says she ultimately sold over 300 boxes in just six hours, but while her unconventional sales strategy has been applauded by some, there may be negative repercussions on the horizon for the young entrepreneur.
The San Diego Girl Scout council is currently looking into whether or not she broke any rules, the New York Post reports. She appeared to be selling in a commercial area, which isn't allowed; as such, efforts are being made to identify the resourceful scout and speak with her parents.
"As Girl Scouts, we assume good intent," council spokeswoman Mary Doyle told The Post. "When we learn that a girl is in violation of a standard/guideline, we almost always discover that the parent was unaware of the rules."
Despite the controversy surrounding the story, a representative for Urbn Leaf says they've received positive feedback.
"I think our customers loved it," Savannah Rakofsky told Complex. "They went out and bought boxes. The funny thing is, after the news story ran, we had more Girl Scouts show up over the weekend."
[Photo: Getty Images]