Jill Scott Hits Fans With A Classy Clapback After Posting Drunk Video
The singer has a lot to say when it comes to rumors about her reasons for drinking.

Jill Scott took to Instagram this week to set the record straight.
The singer/actress left her fans a tad bit confused over the weekend when she posted a short video of herself after seemingly indulging in a few too many drinks.
"It started off so good and then Fu Fe gave me some more to drink and I drank it. Ooh, Saturday night," a bleary-eyed Scott said in the clip, slurring her words.
The video quickly caught the interest of her fans, who began theorizing that Scott had begun hitting the bottle due to stress over her in-progress divorce from her soon-to-be ex-husband, Mike Dobson. Proceedings have gotten more than a little bit messy, with a judge having recently granted Scott's request to place a gag order on Dobson, in order to stop him from trashing her to friends and family.
As stressful as that sounds, however, Scott made it abundantly clear in recent Instagram posts that drama with her ex had nothing to do with her decision to indulge in an alcoholic beverage or two over the weekend.
"The morning after," she wrote alongside a pic of herself rocking oversized sunglasses. "I'm blaming FU FE for another GREAT party. Relax sweethearts. I'm fine. Had too much of a great time."
In another post, Scott directly addressed the gossip, posting an image that reads, "Y'all got to stop assuming EVERYTHING is about my divorce. Sh*t's dumb. I've NEVER fit in a box; no matter how big it is. Let that thing go out cha mind because it's OUT OF MINE."
How much clearer can she be? Check out her full post — and the video that started it all — below.
[Photo: Getty Images, Instagram]