In the Peacock limited series "A Friend of the Family," Jake Lacy plays child predator Robert Berchtold, who kidnapped Jan Broberg twice when she was a teen.
Jake Lacy spoke to about his experience playing Robert Berchtold in the Peacock limited series "A Friend of the Family," and the guidance offered by Jan Broberg.
Jan Broberg spoke to about participating in the making of Peacock's "A Friend of the Family," which is based on her abductions and abuse by Robert Berchtold.
In an interview with, Jan Broberg discussed what it was like to meet Heidi Brewer, another one of Robert Berchtold's victims, in the Peacock documentary "A Friend of the Family: True Evil."
Jake Lacy spoke to about how he prepared to play child predator Robert Berchtold in Peacock's "A Friend of the Family," based on Jan Broberg's abuse.
“Robert Berchtold kidnapped me when I was 12, and again when I was 14. And with that, my brainwashing began,” Jan Broberg says in the trailer for the documentary "A Friend of the Family: True Evil."
While parents often fear their children being abducted by a stranger, experts say it’s far more likely they could welcome an abuser through their front door.
Robert Berchtold was accused of grooming a tight-knit Idaho family with the aim of marrying Jan Broberg, a 12-year-child he allegedly spent years brainwashing.
In Peacock's "A Friend of The Family," Jake Lacy's character is called "Brother B" by Jan Broberg's family, despite not being related by blood or marriage.
Following two alleged kidnappings, Jan Broberg is involved with the Peacock series "A Friend of the Family," which dramatizes her alleged experience with Robert Berchtold.
Robert Berchtold managed to largely escape punishment for his alleged sex crimes against Jan Broberg for decades, a story being dramatized in Peacock's "A Friend of The Family."
The Broberg family overcame the seductions of a manipulative predator named Robert Berchtold, a story told in the documentary "Abducted In Plain Sight." Here's how they moved on with their lives.