Husband's Fingerprints Allegedly Discovered On Absinthe Bottle Used To Kill Adult Online Model
An expert witness claimed that William "Jeff" West's fingerprints were found on a liquor bottle held in an upside-down position — the same bottle used to kill OnlyFans star Kathleen "Kitty Kat West."

Prosecutors are pointing to the alleged fingerprints that were found on an absinthe bottle as proof an adult entertainer was slain by her husband.
Kathleen “Kat” West was found murdered outside her home in the small town of Calera, Alabama in January 2018. The 42-year-old’s neighbor found her partially nude body; she was bleeding from her head. Investigators believe she was fatally struck with a Lucid Absinthe bottle, which was recovered at the scene.
Her husband, William “Jeff” West, was arrested the following month and charged with her murder. Kathleen West took adult photographs for customers under the moniker “Kitty Kat West” on her own subscription-based website. Her Twitter account indicates she had an OnlyFans account as well.
Jeff West, who worked as a campus officer, and Kat were seen on surveillance video shopping inside a liquor store just hours before her death. Stacey Oglesby, the liquor store clerk who rang them up, told Inside Edition in 2018 that they bought a bottle of Jameson and a bottle of Lucid Absinthe.
Prosecutors in Jeff West’s trial are putting forth evidence that they believe will prove he killed his wife — including his alleged fingerprints on that absinthe bottle.
Steven Payne, an Alabama Law Enforcement Agency print examiner who testified as a witness for the prosecution, claimed Thursday that Jeff West’s left thumb and left ring fingerprints indicate that the bottle was held upside by him, reports.
Text messages between the couple indicating apparent marital issues were also shown to the jury.
The month she was killed, Kat West texted her husband, “I know you’re scared to tell me you don’t want to be with me, but it’s only hurting me more by lying,” according to This was followed up by, “If you don’t want me say it.”
Jeff responded, “Baby, I want you. Do you want me? We really never talked after NYE.”
Just two days later, she texted her husband, “This is the last time you will guck [sic] me over. You promised [...] You don’t want me fine. Someone will.”
West sent her husband an emoji of the middle finger at one point.
Under cross-examination, the defense showed the jury other texts which painted the picture of a loving and attentive husband who would reassure his wife how “sexy” she was.
West is survived by a daughter, who was 12 at the time of her death.