'A Deranged Lunatic Hiding In Plain Sight,' Attorney Says Of Lawyer Who Allegedly Shot NJ Judge's Family
“He was already a controlling, misogynistic, sexist, delusional and disturbed individual,” an attorney said of Roy Den Hollander.

The lawyer suspected of shooting a New Jersey judge’s son and husband was often described as having a long-standing hatred of women — but his Russian bride divorcing him may have pushed him over the edge.
“In my opinion, he was already a controlling, misogynistic, sexist, delusional and disturbed individual before his marriage failed,” lawyer Nicholas J. Mundy told The New York Post of Roy Den Hollander's divorce. “But my success helping this poor girl thwart his subsequent attempts to control and destroy her in the divorce and immigration context really aided in pushing him over the edge.”
Mundy represented Hollander’s wife Alina Shipilina in the divorce proceedings, which took place less than a year after Hollander and Shipilina had married in Russia in March 2000.
The former couple had met while Hollander was working in Russia for a corporate investigation agency known as Kroll Associates. They settled in New York City after the wedding once Shipilina had secured a temporary U.S. visa to come to America.
But the honeymoon soon ended for the couple, and a divorce had been granted by the end of 2000.
Mundy declined to discuss the specifics of the couple’s marriage, but recalled Hollander’s intense anger toward women.
“He really had a terrible hatred for all women — particularly women in power like judges — and he was hellbent on trying to exact revenge on anybody that he thought crossed him,” he said. “He would threaten and say disparaging things about the judges in legal papers and in letters to the court. He didn’t shy away from being unprofessional and speaking his mind in that manner.”
Added Mundy: “He was basically a deranged lunatic hiding in plain sight, cloaked by his suit, tie and law degree."
Hollander discussed the brief marriage himself in a lawsuit he filed in 2008 against the federal government, according to court records obtained by the Post.
He claimed in the lawsuit that his wife had concocted an abuse claim against him so that she was able to stay in the United States under the Violence Against Women Act.
“As the law created by feminist lobbying now stands, alien females prone to criminal pursuits can become permanent residents and eventually U.S. citizens by simply saying their American husbands abused them, and it will not matter that these females are lying, committed crimes of moral turpitude … or used fraud and perjury to gain entry into the U.S. and to stay here,” Hollander wrote.
Hollander believed the act helped “create a process by which the Constitutional rights of American men who take or consider taking foreign wives are violated in order to rectify the feminists inability to make American men love them.”
The suit was later dismissed, but Hollander’s apparent enmity toward women continued for years with Hollander often filing lawsuits targeting programs he believed favored women — even filing a class action lawsuit against Manhattan nightclubs for offering “ladies’ nights.”
In another unsuccessful lawsuit, he claimed that Columbia University’s women studies program was discriminatory against men, according to The New York Times. He had argued that the school should create a men’s studies program to “train males to recognize and handle the power females often use to manipulate them.”
Hollander also posted anti-feminist rantings on online on various websites, according to NBC News.
The lawyer often referred to women as “feminazis” and directed his rage in writing at his former wife, judges appointed by President Barack Obama, and even his own mother — who he once wrote “may she burn in hell,” the New York Post reported.
Hollander's anger came to a boiling point over the weekend, when authorities believe he dressed in a Fed Ex uniform and went to the North Brunswick home of Judge Esther Salas. When her 20-year-old son Daniel Anderl opened the door, the 72-year-old is suspected of fatally shooting him in the heart.
Salas’ husband, 63-year-old defense attorney Mark Anderl, was also shot multiple times, but is now in stable condition at a local hospital.
Having been in the basement of the home at the time, Salas was not hurt in the attack.
She had been serving as the judge in a case brought by Hollander in 2015 that argued that the male-only United States military draft was discriminatory.
Hollander left the ongoing case last year, saying he had terminal cancer.
In online rantings, Hollander described Salas as both “hot” and a “lazy and incompetent Latina judge appointed by Obama.”
Shortly after the shooting, Hollander’s body was discovered by the New York State Police near Liberty, New York — about two hours from the judge’s home. He had died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Authorities additionally found the name and photo of New York State Chief Judge Janet DiFiore in his car, according to The New York Times. It’s not clear whether she may have been another target.
The 72-year-old had been battling terminal cancer at the time of his apparent suicide — which may have prompted the killings, according to a rambling manifesto penned by the lawyer.
“Death’s hand is on my left shoulder … nothing in this life matters anymore,” he wrote, according to The New York Post. “The only problem with life lived too long under Feminazi rule is that man ends up with so many enemies he can’t even the score with all of them.”
Although Mundy knew Hollander had expressed a deep hatred toward women, he never imagined he would carry out a violent attack against a judge’s family, he told The New York Post
“Never in my wildest imagination would I believe that anybody that I would encounter in real life would be capable of doing something like that,” he said. “But in 25 years of practice, if I had to choose one person that I came across that might be capable of such heinous acts, it would be him.”