Ex-Boyfriend of Minnesota Mom Madeline Kingsbury Indicted on Murder Charges, Allegedly Said She'd End Up Like Gabby Petito
"[Adam] Fravel admitted being 'infatuated' with the Gabby Petito case," a criminal complaint states. "Fravel also admitted that he made a statement to Madeline about her ending up like Gabby Petito."

The ex-boyfriend of Madeline Kingsbury was indicted by a grand jury on two charges of first-degree murder for allegedly killing the Minnesota mother, who was missing for more than two months before her remains were found in June.
Adam Fravel was already in custody after being arrested and charged with two counts of second-degree murder after Kingsbury's body was found on June 7 in brush off Highway 43, north of Mabel, Minnesota.
The charges against Fravel now include murder in the first degree, past pattern of domestic abuse; murder in the first degree, premeditation; murder in the second degree, intentional without premeditation; and murder in the second degree, unintentional while committing a felony, the indictment states, according to the Winona Daily News
When did Madeline Kingsbury go missing?
Kingsbury, who was 26, was last seen alive at her home in Winona on March 31. After she failed to show up to work and never picked up her kids up from daycare, she was reported missing. Her wallet and cell phone were located in her van that was parked in the home's driveway.
Kingsbury's sister, Megan Kingsbury, told KARE-TV in April that Madeline and Fravel, who co-parented two young children, were living together at the time Kingsbury vanished but that they were no longer in a romantic relationship. Megan added that her sister had been looking around for a different place to live.
Fravel gave investigators similar info during conversations he had with law enforcement on April 1 and April 2, after Kingsbury went missing. He explained that he and is ex had two kids together, ages 5 and 2 at the time his wife disappeared, and that they had and on- and off-again relationship
"Fravel acknowledged that recently their relationship was not working, so they decided to separate and were in the process of moving out of their Winona residence," a criminal complaint that was signed on June 9 states. "Madeline had been looking at different apartments in the area for her and the children to live in.
"Fravel indicated that about two weeks ago, Madeline had told him that she had begun a relationship with another man, but that he did not know how long the relationship had been going on," the complain continues of Fravel's early-April conversations with authorities. "Fravel stated that on Friday, March 31, 2023, together he and Madeline dropped their children at daycare at around 8:00 a.m. and they drove home. Once they arrived, Madeline stated that she had an online meeting and afterwards was going to Rochester for work. He indicated he observed Madeline go downstairs to her home office."
Fravel also mentioned to investigators that he'd planned to head to his parents’ home near Mabel with items he wanted to store there and then return to Winona and take items to a storage facility there. He added that when he returned to the home he shared with Kingsbury at around 11:30 a.m. on March 31, he didn't see her.
"He stated he did notice his car was still home and thought that Madeline may have carpooled to Rochester," the complaint states. "Fravel stated he remained at the residence for the remainder of the afternoon. During this time, he texted Madeline, but never got a response. Eventually, he went downstairs, and Madeline was not there. He stated that he texted Madeline regarding picking up the kids and asked about plans for supper. When she did not respond, he decided to pick up the children at daycare and drive them to his parents’ residence in Mabel."
Adam Fravel's alleged interest in the Gabby Petito case
The complaint adds that law enforcement told Fravel during their early April chats that someone reported that he'd told Kingsbury that "if she did not listen up, that she would end up like Gabby Petito," the 22-year-old Long Island woman murdered by her fiancé during a cross-country trip in 2021.
"Fravel admitted being 'infatuated' with the Gabby Petito case," the complaint states. "Fravel also admitted that he made a statement to Madeline about her ending up like Gabby Petito. Fravel claimed he was trying to make a joke."
Investigators also spoke with a friend of Kingsbury who said that she was on a video call with Kingsbury, who was at her Winona home, in either 2020 or 2021, when Fravel came into the room and yelled at Kingsbury to be quiet. When Kingsbury told Fravel to calm down, he allegedly said he wouldn't, and hit Kingsbury in the face, according to the friend.
"It appeared that Fravel was not aware he was being observed on the video call, as when the friend yelled at Fravel over the video call he immediately left the room," the complaint states. "The friend told investigators that there were several times during video calls that she observed bruises on Madeline’s face. When the friend inquired about the bruises, Madeline would cover them with her sweater."
Additionally, a family member told investigators that in an earlier incident, Fravel had allegedly put his hands around Kingsbury’s throat. When the family member went to pick up Kingsbury that day, she had a red mark on the side of her neck.
If Fravel is convicted of either of the first-degree murder charges in Kingsbury’s case, he'll face life in prison, according to the Winona Daily News. If he's convicted of either of the second-degree murder charges, he would face up to 40 years in prison.