Casey Anthony Says She Will Visit Murderer Scott Peterson On Death Row To 'Help Wrongfully Convicted People'
The woman infamously acquitted of the murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee is apparently trying to rebrand herself as a seeker of justice.
Casey Anthony reportedly turned down offers to start in a reality show and will now be spending her time trying to “help wrongfully convicted people,” including imprisoned murderer Scott Peterson.
Anthony, 32, was acquitted in 2011 of her daughter Caylee's murder. The 2-year-old's skeletal remains were found near her family home in Orlando, Florida, six months after she'd vanished. It took a month for her to be reported missing and questions about her death have long lingered.
Peterson was convicted in 2004 of murdering his pregnant wife Laci, who vanished in 2002. Months later, the fetus of Scott and Laci’s child was found washed up in San Francisco Bay. A day later, Laci’s body was found a mile away from her son’s. She had been decapitated and all her limbs were missing.
Peterson was eventually arrested, sporting a new hair color, carrying $15,000 in cash, four cell phones, a gun, a fake driver’s license, and a map to his mistress’ workplace.
Now on death row, Peterson has always maintained his innocence. And now, Anthony plans on visiting him, at least according to an interview she did with British tabloid Daily Mail.
“My next project is a meeting with Scott Peterson in California this summer,” she told the tabloid.
The project is an apparent alternative to starring in a reality show called “Casey Moving Forward,” according to the Daily Mail.
“They want to follow your every move, not happening,” she said of the potential show’s producers, “meaning...I don't like the parts that I am not in control life is not a script. They wanted to add things that I didn't.. we will leave it at that. I guess the life of Casey wasn't good enough, and wanted to make me more wild to hype up the speculation of me and make what everyone has thought about me all along to be true.”
In addition to meeting up with Peterson, Anthony told the Daily Mail that she will also look into the murder conviction of Darlie Routier, 49, who is currently on death row for the 1996 murder of her 5-year-old son Damon.
Even though Anthony is apparently trying to rebrand herself as a seeker of justice, her own parents are still seeking justice for Caylee and feel Casey has the answers. Last year, her father George Anthony made an emotional appearance on "Dr. Oz," and said he still grapples with his granddaughter's death.
"I want the answers to why Caley is no longer with us," he said. "Why she [Casey] victimized her family, why she ultimately victimized Caylee.”
He also said, "I want to squeeze her until she tells me what the truth is."
[Photo: Getty Images/Getty Images]