19-Year-Old Kills Homeless Man, Severs His Finger For ‘Love Offering’ To Ex-Girlfriend
Connor Mason wanted to start a “killing club” and fantasized about murdering at least 50 people.
Three weeks after the murder of beloved homeless man Dwite Morgan, a man walked into the Edmond, Oklahoma, police station claiming to know the identity of his killer.
Morgan, known around town as “Bicycle Bob,” had been found beaten and stabbed to death in an alleyway on Oct. 18, 2009. He had suffered “hundreds” of puncture wounds, and one of his fingers had been severed and taken by the assailant.
A broken and bloodied hammer was discovered at the scene, but there was no sign of the murder weapon.
“It was the most brutal homicide I’ve ever worked,” Edmond Police Department Lieutenant Christy Hopper told “Criminal Confessions,” airing Saturdays at 6/5c on Oxygen.
In an interview with lead case investigator Detective Mark Oak, Shaun Parker said he knew who was responsible for the horrific slaying — his wife’s friend, Connor Mason. The day Morgan’s body was discovered, Mason visited Parker and Heather Holden (then Parker) at their house holding a plastic glove filled with blood.
Mason, who had dated Holden in high school, handed the bag to her, and she started “getting all excited,” Park told Det. Oak. When Parker asked his wife what Mason gave her, she responded, “It’s a finger, hun.” In shock, Parker asked Mason if it was a real finger, to which he replied, “Well, it all depends on are you gonna call the cops or not?”
Parker said Mason admitted to bludgeoning Morgan with a hammer and then fatally stabbing him a knife. After cutting off the finger for Holden as “a present,” Mason disposed of it in a “random dumpster.”
“Murdering someone and severing part of their body to present as a ‘love offering.’ It was just absolutely, mind-blowingly sick,” Detective F. Marion Cain said.
Mason and his roommates had plans to create a “killing club,” and Mason wanted to kill at least 50 people and write a book about it, Parker told “Criminal Confessions.”
Speaking with Det. Oak, both Holden and Mason denied having any involvement in the murder and claimed that Parker made up the accusation because he was threatened by their relationship. In order to gather more evidence, Parker agreed to wear a wire and discuss the incident with his wife.
When he confronted Holden about the finger, she said, “I think you’re jealous because Connor did this for me.”
At that point, investigators brought in Mason’s friend and former roommate, Thomas Gens, who maintained he had no knowledge of the slaying. The following morning, however, Gens had a change of heart and returned to the police station to provide details about the night Morgan was killed.
That evening, Gens was hanging out with a group of friends including Mason, Nikolas Kerr and Daniel North. Mason asked North to drive him to his old apartment, which was about a block from the crime scene, to pick up some personal items.
When they returned an hour later, Mason appeared to be “really happy,” Gens said.
“There was [sic] some specks of blood on his face,” Gens told Det. Oak. “Connor was really excited to tell me that he had killed a homeless guy with a hammer and a knife … He had gone to Walmart and bought a buck knife. He actually told me it had broken because he stabbed him in the skull, and the tip broke off.”
Gens said Mason also showed him the plastic glove holding Morgan’s finger.
Later that night, Mason returned to the crime scene with Kerr, who Gens believed help Mason get rid of the murder weapon. While Kerr admitted to seeing Morgan's remains and the knife, he denied knowing what happened to it.
By obtaining the Walmart security footage, investigators were able to prove that Mason had purchased the buck knife, and Mason later confessed to buying the weapon. He continued to deny that he killed Morgan.
“He seemed very much like a sociopath, and I think it would have been very easy for him to kill again,” Det. Oak told “Criminal Confessions.”
Mason and Kerr were charged with first-degree murder, and Parker was charged with accessory after the fact of first-degree murder, reported The Oklahoman newspaper. A little more than a week after her arrest, Parker asked to be interviewed again and admitted to having knowledge about the killing.
“I was excited … [Mason] did it for me. I guess he thought it would make me happy … We didn’t value life. We were disgusted with humans and living,” she told Det. Oak.
“[H]e cut the finger … while he was still alive … Connor’s exact words were, ‘It was amazing,’” she added.
Parker ultimately pleaded guilty to obstructing an officer and received time served. Kerr also provided investigators with more information that led them to the murder weapon, and he pleaded guilty to accessory to murder after the fact and received a 10-year suspended sentence.
After recovering the knife, detectives found the tip was missing, and by reexamining Morgan’s x-rays, they discovered a piece of metal embedded in his skull, which was a match to the knife.
Mason pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and given life in prison, later reduced to 40 years. He will be eligible for parole in 2047.
“This was, without a doubt, the most senseless act of violence I’ve seen,” Det. Oak told “Criminal Confessions.”
To hear more about the case, watch “Criminal Confessions” now on Oxygen.