‘Ice Ice Baby,’ Vanilla Ice Battled 'Ice Cold Blood' Host Ice-T In 'The Ultimate Ice Off.' Who Won?
"That s---t’s gonna get you drunk," Ice-T, aka Fin Tutuola of "Law and Order" declared after he whipped up an Old Fashioned.

In a battle jam-packed with (so much) ice, rapper Vanilla Ice totally murdered “In Ice Cold Blood” host Ice-T. Don’t worry ... not literally.
Ice-T, also known as Odafin "Fin" Tutuola “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” got into a drink-fight with Vanilla Ice during an event called "The Ultimate Ice Off." The cocktail duel was part of an LG Electronics USA launch party in Manhattan to celebrate — what else — ice.
LG has created a fridge that produces large, round balls of slow-melting craft ice, which both rappers dunked in their alcoholic creations on Thursday night. It takes the freezer 18 hours to produce three of the crystal-clear orbs in a machine that will set you back a cool $4,400.
In the first round of the “Ice Off,” Ice-T and Vanilla Ice were tasked with making an Old Fashioned: a drink made of water, bitters, whiskey, garnished with an orange slice and of course, stirred up with ice.
Both approached the challenge with animated bartender moves and juggling. Ice-T shook his drink as he made it while Vanilla Ice threw bottles up in the air.
The result? New York radio personality Angie Martinez, who hosted the event, sipped Ice-T’s concoction and uttered, “That is awful. God awful.”
Vanilla Ice won that round, 23-14.
The two were judged on performance, taste and presentation by a panel of three judges. Mixologist Jane Danger, who selected the drinks in the competition, told Oxygen.com that Ice-T made an iced "oops" when he shook the drink instead of stirring it.
Still, she said, “There was a lot of flare and big bottle pours — it was really cute. They were really trying.”
She added, “They both had heavy hands, so that will please your guests right there. They’re both winners in my book.”
The two rappers seemed to agree as, after sipping his own drink, Ice-T declared, "that s--t’s gonna get you drunk” and Vanilla Ice remarked that his made him want to put on his “dancing shoes.”
Despite dissing Ice T’s Old Fashioned on stage, Martinez seemed to change her tune after the competition and possibly after a few drinks. She told Oxygen.com that both men’s versions of the cocktail were “actually pretty good.”
For the second round, the Ices were told to make a drink called the “Vanilla Ice Flip Out,” made of Cognac, whiskey, vanilla, half and half, simple syrup, egg, nutmeg and ice.
Vanilla Ice is no stranger to flipping out, and perhaps that’s why he nailed this drink. Back in 1999, when MTV counted down what they claimed to be the 25 lamest music videos to date, Vanilla Ice took a bat to a television, to the actual set and to the award they gifted him for having the ninth lamest video (“Ice Ice Baby”), the Sun-Sentinel reported.
While making the liquid “Flip Out,” the two rappers cracked open their eggs to Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” and got their nutmeg shake on.
“It’s a mystery [to the Ices], what do you do with this egg?” Danger told Oxygen.com.
There was one thing Martinez didn't want to do with it: consume it. She was afraid to drink the iced-touched drinks because of the egg element with Martinez citing “food poisoning” fears (although cocktails with eggs are pretttttty safe).
Danger noted that Ice-T should have shook his “Flip Out” a bit more before adding the ice, but apparently Vanilla Ice flipped it all just right. He won 53-37.
Vanilla Ice's prize: a 5 pound ice-chain, literally made to mimic LG’s new balls of Ice. He grinned gleefully as the sparkling chain was place around his neck before doing a little dance for the audience.
"It's settled once and for all, Vanilla is the thrilla,” he declared on his Instagram while wearing his prize.
Even though Ice-T was the loser, he’s still very much a winner in most true crime junkie’s hearts. As the host of “In Ice Cold Blood,” which airs on Oxygen, he takes viewers for a ride into some of the most fascinating ice-cold true crimes.
Gina Pace contributed to this report.