Subway Crowding, Broadway Disruption, And More ‘Crimes’ Tourists Need To Know Before Visiting NYC
These everyday offenses committed in New York City aren’t against the law. But they should be.

New York, New York — it's one of the most beguiling cities around. But while it's a city filled with jaw-dropping skyscrapers, iconic landmarks, and people arriving with big dreams, it also has a dark side.
NewYork City has been the scene of some of the nation’s most shocking murders. The new Oxygen series, “New York Homicide,” premiering Saturday, January 1 at 10/9c, takes a deep dive into these complex crimes through interviews with investigators and victims’ loved ones.
Of course, New York is still a safe city and a hotspot for tourists. And if you're a visitor here, read up for a tour of only-in-NYC offenses that aren’t against the law (yet), but are a total buzzkill. These crimes won’t get you a citation, but they will get you side-eye.
Subway Doorstopping
NYC subways can be a challenge, but they get you where you’re going. And getting on and off a train should be a breeze. Except someone always insists on standing directly in front of subway doors, preventing the flow of people exiting the train. Put these people on an express train to courtesy school.
Ill-Timed Texting
Yes, we love our smartphones. We use them all the time — even on a crowded sidewalk and while climbing subway station stairs. But when you're walking slow or stopping altogether, you're stalling traffic behind you because you can’t wait less than half a minute to confirm your appointment or grouse about how long you had to wait in line at the drugstore.
Stow the phone for 20 seconds until you can get out of the crowd. You’ll survive.
Restaurant Rubbernecking
New York is famous as a delicious dining destination, whether you’re craving a casual pastrami-on-rye from Katz’s Deli, a fancy feast at the upscale Daniel, or something in-between. Sadly, this means every eatery is frequented by diners who spend too much time gawking at what’s on your plate and asking, “Is it good? Will I like it?” Food for thought: Keep your eyes on your own menus and plates. It’s a restaurant, not a peep show.
Exercise Exhibitionism
NYC offers lots of ways to get a fun workout outside: a bike ride on the Hudson River Greenway on the West Side of Manhattan, ice skating at Rockefeller Center or Bryant Park, or jogging through Central Park.
While you're busy burning calories, there are showoffs who use these public areas as their own private training or performance space. It’s not the Tour de France, pal, it’s a shared bike path. And no one wants to see your triple axel — that’s why we watch the Olympics. Read the room (er, rink).
Broadway Blabbermouthing
Broadway is back, baby. This is amazing, as there’s nothing like live theater, especially in New York. Also back, however, are know-it-alls who inevitably get seated right behind you and can't stop talking throughout the show.
Worse yet, sometimes they've seen the show before and drop in loudly-whispered spoilers before the second act even begins.
Mealtime Myopia
NYC abounds with restaurants of every cuisine under the sun. It’s an urban tasting menu when you’re hungry — so be adventurous. If your idea of Italian chow begins and ends with, say, Olive Garden (even if the bread sticks are incredibly tasty and, of course, unlimited) it’s time to expand. There is a whole world of restaurants outside of Times Square!
Don’t hold your taste buds hostage! It's part of the appeal of visiting NYC.
New York Naysaying
New York City, like everywhere, has been through the ringer because of the pandemic. But if you ask anyone who lives here (and many who don't!), they'll tell you it’s still the greatest city in the world. If you feel the need to talk trash about NYC, do it somewhere else.
To learn more about actual crimes in the city, watch “New York Homicide,” premiering Saturday, January 1 at 10/9c.