Think You Don't Have Access To Oxygen Hits Like 'Snapped' And 'Dateline'? Think Again
If you haven't been able to see any of Oxygen's programming as part of your cable provider's lineup previously, you may now be able to access high quality true crime shows this May via an antenna.

Maybe you like to spend your evenings winding down with an episode of "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered." Maybe your dream weekend is a "Snapped" or a "Cold Justice" marathon. Trust us, we get it — and we also know how disappointing it is when you find out Oxygen isn't part of your cable package. There may be a solution, though. If you haven't been able to see any of Oxygen's programming as part of your cable provider's lineup previously, you may now be able to access high quality true crime shows this May.
Yep, if you watch TV using an antenna, Oxygen classics like "Killer Couples" and "Buried In The Backyard" might be available to watch at home starting in May. It's a super easy process — just three steps! Here's how to get the shows you love via your antenna.
Step 1: Search For The Channel
First, go to the channel finder to see if Oxygen True Crime is available in your market and what channel it’s on. If it is available in your market, just search for Oxygen True Crime as it may already be present in your channel listings. If Oxygen True Crime isn’t showing up in your listings or you're watching over an antenna, get ready to rescan.
Step 2: Rescan If Needed
For antenna users, get your remote. Press menu. Under channel or antenna, select AUTO TUNE or RESCAN.
Step 3: Tune Into Channel
Let your TV go through the process, then tune into the channel. You're all set to enjoy your true crime favorites.
Watch the video above to learn more. Contact your provider if you have any questions!