Yahweh ben Yahweh Gives Chilling Speech After The Murder Of Cult Dissident Aston Green
“It is here we also learn how Yahweh keeps his word in punishing the rebel, the stubborn and rebellious son,” said the religious sect leader.
Nation of Yahweh founder Yahweh ben Yahweh had a name for those followers who dared to leave his religious sect — “The Hypocrites.”
“Praise Yahweh! You’ve got to love me. If you don’t love me, you’re a lying hypocrite,” preached Yahweh. “You’re a snake if you don’t love me.”
While many members had simply become disillusioned with Yahweh’s teachings and his demand for total submission, Yahweh branded them as threats against the community and even called for their deaths. One of the first cult dissidents was 26-year-old Aston Green, who was bludgeoned by a group of loyal Yahweh followers at their Miami, Florida, compound.
“Any available spot that was open on his body was beaten. He looked horrible. Blood was on the floor and all over his face and he was moaning and groaning,” testified a Yahweh disciple who took part in the assault, adding the murder was carried out after Yahweh had proclaimed “the hypocrites must die.”
Green was then rolled up in a stray piece of carpet and driven to the Everglades, where he was beheaded as retribution for leaving the cult. The day following Green’s slaying, Yahweh called his congregants to a rally.
In conversation with “Uncovered: The Cult of Yahweh ben Yahweh,” former member Khalil Amani said the crowd was in a “frenzy … screaming and crying and celebrating the fact that this guy was removed from among us.”
“How compassionate, how loving Yahweh is to those obedient to his will,” said Yahweh in a chilling sermon. “It is here we also learn how Yahweh keeps his word in punishing the rebel, the stubborn and rebellious son.”
Green’s murder was one of more than a dozen revenge killings ordered by Yahweh throughout the 1980s.
At the time of his execution, Green was living with former Yahweh member Carlton Carey, who had been dubbed leader of “The Hypocrites.” Carey and his wife, Mildred Banks, went the local police after Green’s death to report their suspicions about The Nation of Yahweh. The couple was later attacked by a group of Yahweh followers, resulting in Carey’s death.
In 1992, Yahweh was found guilty in connection with the plotting of 14 murders, two attempted murders and a firebombing and sentenced to 18 years behind bars for conspiracy to commit murder, reported The New York Times.