Very Real

People Are Using Beyonce's Pregnancy As An Excuse To Drag Ciara

The memes just won't stop.

By Sharon Lynn Pruitt

Is it possible for two famous women to be happy without the public pitting them against each other? Apparently not.

Shortly after Beyonce announced that she's pregnant with twins, some on social media took that good news as an excuse to try and drag Ciara, who announced her own pregnancy late last year. The general joke is that Beyonce's news overshadowed Ciara's, which is especially ridiculous when you consider that having a child is such a big deal to the families involved that I highly doubt either of these women is interested in making it a contest.

Still, if there's one thing social media is good for, it's giving people a platform to be negative and petty AF. Case in point:

Honestly, as entertaining as these are, it's just needlessly negative and mean-spirited. Both Beyonce and Ciara tend to be very positive people, and it's especially impressive for Ciara because she's pretty much always getting roasted on social media (not to mention all the public digs her ex and co-parent Future directs at her). Can't we all collectively be happy for both of them, instead of finding reasons to tear them down? Not everything needs to be made into a meme.

[Photo: Getty Images]

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