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About License to Kill
“License to Kill” investigates jaw-dropping cases of murderous doctors, nurses and medical professionals. Hosted by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Terry Dubrow, the series chronicles harrowing accounts of patients put into jeopardy by medical professionals’ insidious use of their expertise. Told from the perspective of victims, families, colleagues and law enforcement, each episode of “License to Kill” exposes what happens when the hands that should heal are used to cause harm on patients at the most vulnerable times. Whether these doctors spiraled out of control over money, jealousy or power, or from mental breakdown, viewers will get a look inside the minds of killers who lost sight of the Hippocratic Oath and used their practice for evil, leaving their patients sick, injured, paralyzed or even dead. The series recounts how authorities were finally able to stop these medical professionals’ malpractice, putting an end to the madness before someone else got hurt or killed.